March 25, 2004 – 10:25 PM
Easton Ct. by early afternoon. Still cold, still rainy and this small ache starting in my back…… Mom and Dad standing at the doorway watching as I pull up in front of their house all fifty feet of my traveling circus!
Have you seen The Long, Long Trailer with Lucille Ball? If not rent it and follow us down the road. If you’ve seen it and remember the scene when Rickie has to back their trailer down Lucille’s Parents driveway you’ll understand why I sent my Parents back into the house, behind closed doors, before I started my first long haul backup adventure. Parked outside my Parents garage I had no idea it would sit there for 21 days. Spend the first week seeing a physical therapist in Katonah NY and stretching out my back as the small ache developed into a huge muscle spasm. Then the new floor took much longer and on and on and on……

The Land Yacht in front of the Breweter House
March 22, 2004 – 10:23 PM
Arrived at the Airstream Plant in Jackson Center Ohio. For anyone who loves Airstreams you gotta see this. Not only are they still making them there, the small town resonates “Airstream”, but they have many of the old classics in various stages of restoration. I even got to see one of Wally Byam’s Gold anodized vintage Airstreams! As Casper Ihle, one of thier fine technicians, went over my Classic 1960 Land Yacht, I got to meet with Tim Champ, the Marketing Director, Jim Parrett the Service Coordinator and Rick March the Shop Manager. It was a great discussion, learning about the history and folk lore of the Airstreams and sharing the ideas we have for our trip. Their website is I recommend you check it out.
In case your interested:
Wednesday, June 2nd through Sunday, June 6th 2004 The Airstream Homecoming Festival is just around the corner! People will be coming from all over the country and the world to Jackson Center, Ohio, for five days of all-out Airstream fun. Open to all Airstreamers, there will be plenty of food, entertainment, games and Airstream history. You can even test drive and tow a new Airstream!

photo by airstream from their archives
March 19, 2004 – 10:16 PM
Springfield Ohio, the Holiday Inn and Banjorama! Thanks to my good friend and collector Don Moritz we discover this classic Banjo event. Three days of Banjos in the halls, the rooms, the entire hotel rang from the strumming of Banjos. Now if you don’t like the sound of a banjo being played this could be your idea of hell. But just before leaving Santa Fe, I’d picked one up and decided I would learn to play it. So this was a great time for me. Learned a great deal and met many fascinating people. Heard so much great music as well.

All the Banjo Boys in Bill’s Limo
March 18, 2004 – 10:10 PM
In only 12 daysI were done and bid farewell to Omaha, still heading eastward toward Connecticut and a short visit with my parents and a few visits to my gallery in Katonah and I’d be on my way. After a visit for a day or two with my folks and spend some time With June, Myron and Elizabeth at the Gallery then off toward the warmth. I needed a few days on the beach in the sun…… but as with all adventures one never knows

The Old GM Auto Plant in Tilton Ohio
Is it an omen my first photographs of the trip are of an old auto plant that is being torn down.
I arrived at Dan and Joyce Templeton’s studio in Omaha. I had become one with the big reflective light source that was following me across America and Scott learned how vital a wide necked bottle was with all the missed pee stops.
Now the work began setting up a base camp in the exact middle of the country. One I could reach in two days from anywhere. ……

Dan and I cooking up a storm
After the house sold I spent too many days packing and loading the big yellow monster and the Airstream to the top (yep even after two estate sales and one huge dumpster I still have too much stuff), we were off to Omaha.
It was sad leaving David Marks behind. In the last few weeks he had become part of the family and without his help we wouldn’t be here today- at least not here and nearly as sane. Thanks again Dave we will see you down the road. On a snowy Tuesday morning I left Santa Fe behind and headed north, up to Boulder to see my son, Jesse at school at Naropa. Then eastward across the Plains on Interstate 80 toward Omaha. Through the snow, rain hail and missed pee stops the three of us pushed on. Scott, behind the wheel of the big yellow monster while I were snug in the cab of the dodge. The photographs of the Land Yacht on the front page of the website are Scott’s images as he followed us into the heartland of America. Scott, I still see those tired somewhat stressed eyes in my mirror and at night the wind begins to sound like your voice ever whispering in my ears “aho David I really gotta pee.” Thanks brother with out you we would not be here. Aho Scott!

Loaded and ready to go