May 23, 2004
Shot out of Santa Fe today going 100 miles an hour with an escort from our friend Dwight, the quintessential hair dresser/biker boy (see below). Hard to believe I have been in Santa Fe 19 days. I regrouped and got a lot of things tightened up on the Landyacht. Even made a few great images around the Galesto Road. Tonight back in Raton at the Summerlan RV Park visit with Tom and Lee then Tuesday off to Boulder to help Jesse fine a new abode.

Dwight in the lead as we leave Santa Fe

Lucinda and Ady Avira with catfish at Raton
First processing of negative in the Landyacht. Much different than the old darkroom. Learning how to work in smaller space is a challenge. But it works, and with a few more refinements it will all go as smooth as in the big darkroom. Thank God for Polaroid type 55 p/n film. Next step printing??

Out on the Galesto Road heading east toward Highway 41 again as the sun sets. Did a great image tonight, will be in the Gallery section soon. New Mexico is surely a picture postcard, but what lies beneath the postcard? It’s interesting to be in Santa Fe and photographing. Not being here everyday has opened up my vision again and I am seeing the landscape as I did when I first arrived some 14 years ago. Good to be traveling familial roads again but look forward to the discovery that’s in front of me.

out the rear view mirror

Big Cactus Raton New Mexico
At the Summerlan RV Park just outside Raton New Mexico. Amazing to be back in New Mexico. As soon as you cross the border the skies change the clouds grow and the earth feels different. I will always think of New Mexico as home. The sprit of the land and the sky seem to know the boarders man have created.
Met and photographed Tom and Lee Gibbons from Texas. They have been living at Summerlan for a year now in their 1973 33 ft Airstream. Look for them in the Gallery section in the coming days. Great people. It’s been interesting how people who live on the road approach life with a different outlook. Much more friendly and there for you. Much to learn from them and the miles ahead.

Tom and Lee Gibbon”s Airstream

Tom and Lee Gibbons

Tom inside his Airstream
May 2, 2004
Longmont C0
Amazing to ride the bike over the plains of Colorado and up into the mountains. Traveled about 50 miles today, made a photograph on The Left Hand River, above Boulder and had brunch at The Jamestown Mercantile. A small mountain town about 20 miles above Boulder. Great old mountain town café with live bluegrass music and photographs of the whole town at last years 4th. of July Picnic, all posed in a field around the towns two volunteer fire trucks. Also got to visit with Jesse and do a photograph of him at Naropa. Tomorrow new tires for the truck and then heading South towards New Mexico.

DMK offloading bike in Colorado