November 30, 2004 – 11:43 PM
November 30, 2004
City of Rocks, New Mexico
Starting to feel a bit more like a wanderer again. The last month or so we have been driving to “get to places” as apposed to just heading down the road. Finally we have a space head of us where we can just follow the road again and see what happens. When the trip gets distilled to its essence that’s what it’s about. Somehow my other life seems to creep back in and all of a sudden we have to be somewhere or do something outside of the trip.
But for now we’re back on the road and heading west.
As we left Deming we ran into Bob Sundown camped just off the road at the intersection of Highway 180 and Highway 26. This has been his winter camp for the past two months. Bob is a great man whose life consists of 2 mules, 1 burro, a dog named Skeeter, a hand made “covered wagon”, complete with wood burning stove, pulled by the mules and lots of imagination. He has spent may years traveling the country, mostly from Wyoming down to Southern New Mexico and back up to Wyoming in this wagon, pulled by the mules. At times he teaches survival techniques in Quemado, New Mexico.
Over the years, as fall approaches, I have seen him heading south, down Highway 14 just past my old home in Santa Fe, but never had the time to stop and meet him. Heather says he is a “Human Being”. The important word here is Being, as apposed to a “Human Doing” I suppose. Bob’s address is General Delivery USA, if you want to write him. I’m glad I finally found the time…

Bob Sundow and Skeeter

Heather, Bob, DMK and Skeeter

Heather and Henry taken in the night air City of Rocks

Windmill, City of Rocks

City of Rocks

City of Rocks 2

City of Rocks 3

City of Rocks 4

Yucca, City of Rocks

Airstream City of Rocks
November 29, 2004 – 11:21 PM
November 29, 2004
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Great little campground as the storm chases us….
Shady Corner RV Park
100 Rio Grande
T or C, New Mexico
Phil, the owner is a great guy- helped us solve a major electrical problem and is re felting a pool table for the rec. room. Be sure to ask him about his “special glue”!
Very biker friendly!

ps there isn’t no inter net yet….
November 29, 2004 – 11:08 PM
November 28, 2004
Gallup. New Mexico
Leaving a sunny Boulder we headed south and the snows came in again. Arrived in Gallup New Mexico around 8pm and camped in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot. Awoke to snow and ice and rain at 7 am. Found out the storm was heading south and covered most of Colorado and a big part of northern New Mexico. We had planned to head over to Flagstaff Arizona and the down 17 to Bisbee and some warm weather. The storm was hitting Flag by now and they expected a foot of snow by mid afternoon so we turned around and headed east back to Albuquerque and down I-25 toward the City of Rocks and hopefully some warmer weather.

DMK Shooting

Sky I-40
November 25, 2004 – 10:07 PM
November 25, 2004
Golden, Colorado
Good road trip up to Colorado and a Great Thanksgiving with Jesse. Had a snowstorm chase up all the way up, but we ran through clean weather the entire way. Almost had a major tragedy- Jesse’s oven stopped working- but we discovered the Turkey was cooked and so all was well. Great dinner. Fun to cook with Jesse! His new cat, Sebastian, and Henry had quite a time getting to know each other but by the end they were good pals.
It was good to see his new house and how much effort he has put into making it a home.
We made plans for Christmas. Looks like both of us will be doing road trips back east this December.

Sebastian and the turkey

Jesse stuffen the bird …… range fed, happy life, killed quick bird that is

Cutten up the bird

JW, don’t ask and Heather at dinner

Henry at the dinner table

resting after the bird

out front of JW”S
November 22, 2004 – 12:31 AM
November 22,2004
Corrales, New Mexico
Time just seems to be rushing so fast. Went down to Portales for Jack Carr’s (Heathers Grandfather) 90th. Birthday and I got to meet the whole family. Must have been close to 100 people at the party. A very enjoyable time. Spent 3 days there the first two getting ready for the party and the last day at the party. We then motored back to Albuquerque and have been here since.
Spent the time visiting friends and running all the film shot since I left Omaha. Have made some new images I’m very happy with and will try to scan them soon. One is of an old bed in a deserted farmhouse in Nebraska just below Pine Ridge and the other is of the El Rita Chapel just outside of Espanola, New Mexico. The Chapel is one I’ve been trying to photograph for over 10 years and could only see it up on a distant mesa but could never figure out how to get there. This trip David Marks an old assistant and good photographer who now has his own gallery in Santa Fe, told me how to get there. Thank you David. There are a few others but these two stand out.
David Marks Fine Art Photography
410 South Guadalupe Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Got to go pick up mats from the best little frame shop in the world, Frontier Frames. These folks sure do great work, their info is:
Frontier Frames
2008 Saint Michaels Drive suite D
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Tomorrow we start back to Boulder and Thanksgiving with my son Jesse. Hope to spend two slow days traveling up and then Wednesday and Thursday with Jesse then on to southern Arizona and some warm weather. Seems like the trip as of late has been about getting places and I’m getting a bit disorientated. Look forward to getting back on the road and wondering again, without the idea of a destination or the time/space reference that has been with us the last few months.

Chapel at Santa Rita

Heather at Santa Rita

Frank the man behind Frontier Frames
November 12, 2004 – 8:57 PM
okay so it’s out of order, what can I say. Had a great visit with my friends Richard and Alice.

DMK Woodstock, New York

Richard and Alice Woodstock, New York

Richard Segalman Woodstock, New York

The four of us Woodstock, New York
November 6, 2004 – 4:08 PM
November 6, 2004
Corrales, New Mexico
Arrived last night and had the Sweat today. Caroline got to film a lot of it and a good time was had by all. Feels good to be back in New Mexico and involved in the Sweat Lodge again. Will spend the next few days getting the portfolios together before we head down to Portales for Heather Grandfather’s 90th. Birthday party.

Thomaz and Caroline at Uncle Phills Lodge

Beckey and Chief Phill Crazybull after lodge
November 4, 2004 – 11:59 PM
A PHOTO PAGE it may take a moment now’s a good time to refresh your coffee



Clouds Colorado

Clouds Colorado

Clouds Wyoming

Clouds Wyoming

Clouds and Snow Wyoming

Clouds Wyoming

DMK Wyoming
November 4, 2004 – 10:37 PM
November 4, 2004
Longmont Colorado
Saint Vrain State Park
Arrived late afternoon and set up camp. Had a good trip down from Pine Ridge stopping to photograph along the way. Thomaz and Caroline have gotten to see a great deal of this part of the country and seem to love it. Had a great visit with Jesse today and off to Santa Fe in the morning. Be good to see Phil and Becky. Truly looking forward to the Sweat.

DMK and Jesse Boulder

Thomaz and Caroline in the Badlands S.D.

Thomaz in the Badlands

Thomaz at Prarie’s Edge

Buffalo Custer State Park

Badlands South Dakota
November 2, 2004 – 10:15 PM
2 November 2004
Gordon, Nebraska
Never left. After talking to Thomas we decided they should jump off the plane in Denver and drive up to the Res. Thomas and Caroline arrived here late last night and we spent today traveling Rosebud and Pine Ridge. Wound up back in Mission at The White Horse Trading Post. After picking up some Sundance Music for Thomas we went back over to Harold and Elva’s home and spent the rest of the afternoon photographing and visiting with Harold. Tomorrow we head up through Pine Ridge and the Badlands into the Black Hills. Plan to travel down to Albuquerque and have a Sweat with Chief Crazy Bull on Saturday.

DMK shooting Gordon

Henry Gordan Camp

Harold’s Sweat Lodge

Heather, Caroline and Thomaz at Harolds

DMK, Heather and Caroline at Harolds


Henry Carhenge Nebraska

Henry Carhenge Nebraska