December 8, 2004
Shady Dell
Bisbee Arizona
Went for lunch in old Mexico. Great experience crossed over at Nogales nothing
between us and Old Mexico but a one way turn gate. Had a real Mexican Lunch picked
up a few bottles of Membrillo- okay what is Membrillo you may well ask? Its official
name is “Crema De Membrillo” and it’s a quince/tequila product much like a licquor.
Great smooth sweet tequila. But you can only get it in old Mexico. Wondered around
Nogales for a while and fell in love with the town. So very different than on the
American side. Much more colorful lots of hot pinks, sky blues and deep purples in the
buildings. Having trouble with understanding the “border” How a line in the sand
can make such a difference. And the fence between the two towns is unreal (see photo
On the way there we drove through the Coronado National Park. Very cool place.
We ran into a Park Ranger (read Federal Officer). Great guy armed with an M-16, 12gauge
shotgun with night sight and a 40-caliber sig/sauer side arm. When I saw the sig I knew
we’d be friends. Spent an hour talking over the border issues and the numerous folks that
came over. Gave me new insight into the whole issue.
Christmas in Patagonia, New Mexico
Coronad National Forest
Border Fence Nogales lookinf from US into Mexico
Key Shop Nogales Mexico