January 10, 2005 Key West Florida

January 10, 2005
Key West Florida

Arrived this afternoon to 78-degree weather, blue skies and feathery white clouds. For a while there we were not sure we’d make it. While in the east our water pipes froze and when they thawed out, one burst, then the refrigerator shut down, and the electrical system shorted out so the time in Boca was spent either in Mike’s darkroom or the numerous small spaces one has to squeeze into to do repairs on an Airstream. But after hours of work and more than a few moments of pure craziness we got on our way again.
Two miles out of Boca the alternator gauge went crazy as did I, but it settled back in and all was well. Have to remember we’ve gone over 40 thousand miles with no repairs until now so it’s quite amazing that more systems haven’t failed… but it would be less stressful if they all hadn’t failed at once.
Had an enjoyable time in Boca. Got to see old friends Kim and Victor Milt. Also found time to process and contact the gallery shoot. It’s interesting to go off road and work in a real darkroom again. But I really enjoy working in the “road darkroom” and the excitement of “processing” the Polaroid’s and seeing the image in 20 seconds still is a rush.
Once again thanks Mike and Lorene for all your love and support!

Camp outside Boca Raton Fl.

Strange things between orange croppers

Mike and my film in his darkroom

Road to Key West HWY 1

looking back as we head toward Key West

Old Key West Bridge

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