February 16, 2005 Elyse and Greg’s Farm Ausin Pennsylvania

February 16, 2004
Elyse and Greg’s Farm
Austin Pennsylvania

Amazing past 6 days. Left Omaha on the 10th and once again boogied on the interstate arriving on the 12th in Austin PA. It’s a great little town feels a bit like Vermont. Elyse and Greg’s Farm has a great fishing river running through it and acres of fields and forests for Henry to explore. Feels more like visit friends than going to buy a bus, speaking of which…. Have spent the last few days getting to know the bus- seriously getting to know the bus- working out the kinks of it having sat for almost two years. First getting her started, draining fuel tanks and lines and changing oil. Then a new starter was in order. Going over the entire bus with Bud and starting internet searches for a paint shop and numerous other necessary steps to go through before I buy her. Still lots of unanswered questions but I know enough now to know I want to be able to get this bus on the road and that it will be a better live/work space. But it’s not ready to just drive back to Omaha and I still have to finish the work for Poland so it’s back to Omaha we go. Once the show and scans for the book are finished, hopefully in the next two weeks, it’s back to the farm to work out all the kinks and figure this all out……

Perry’s Store and our introduction to Austin

Henry, Heather, Elyse, Greg and me at The Farm

Yep, it looks like a bad starter to me whata da ya think???

Good local brew Thank God!

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