September 12, 2005 Cody Camp Cody Wyoming

September 12, 2005
Cody Camp
Cody, Wyoming

Well some days the bear bites you, and some days you bite the bear. But some days you bite the bear and then the bear bites you back. Today was such a day.

Had a great drive from Greybull into Cody. Countryside is truly amazing and as you approach Cody the Rocky Mountains come into view. True there was snow on them and that for told the next leg of the trip but magnificent never the less. I even got a good landscape of an old farm house on the way.

Arrived in Cody and set up camp and got directed to Mr. Marty MacLennan owner of Park County RV Inc.
244 N. Blackburn Avenue
Cody, Wyoming 82414
307-527-GORV (4678)
toll free- 866-627-4678
cell- 307-272-6558

His card reads Let the “RV DOC’ diagnose and repair your RV 15 years experience. Parts, Sales, Warranty work, mobile service, Factory Trained and Insurance Claims. And after meeting and working with him I am sure it is all true!

When you hit a strange town with no brakes it can be the start of a really bad day. Not if Marty is around! After he found out we were travelers and lived in our rig full time he went right to work and got us up and running . It did take a long time but only due to the amount of work that was needed. We ended up replacing both brake assemblies. The old ones had to be some 40 years old and should have been change out years ago. It’s amazing we got as much use out of them as we did.

As well as being a great RV guy Marty also made a superb subject and another portrait is in the can.

Meeting folks like Marty makes one feel good about a town and I gotta tell you this could be a great place to settle down at the end of the journey. The landscape and people could keep me busy for a good long while. Thanks Marty!

So now what, it’s late and we both are a bit disheveled- our camps the last few days have been dry- so no showers and I’ve spent the day being Marty’s assistant so to speak and we look a mess but what the heck it’s Cody, Wyoming they gotta be use to folks just off the trail so off to town we go. As we drove down the main street I noticed a photography gallery and swerved to a stop. Downtown Cody is a candy store for me as Heather so aptly remarked as we got out of the truck on mains street. Lots of stores with what looked like authentic Indian stuff and good Cowboy stuff and two photography gallery to boot.

Mr.Marty MacLennan

Farmhouse Wyoming

driving into Cody on HWY 14

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