August 4, 2004 Ellsworth, Maine

After coming off the island I have spent the last few days exploring the many fingers that reach out into the see around Camden. I’ve been finding“sameness” to the eastern Landscape. Very closed in and quite similar as you go from state to state, but Maine is more akin to New Mexico with constantly changing vistas and geographic formations.
Traveled up from Camden yesterday through mountains, fields, wood, lakes and seashore and arrive in Ellsworth mid afternoon. Then off to Mount Desert Island and some great photographs. Photographed “the most photographed spot in Maine” the Bass Harbor Light House. Think I made a great image. One of the few times I’ve found that “the most photographed site” actually is something I can work with. Its hard working here because the coast consists of miles of fingers going out into the sea so there are miles to drive trying to find ways down to the water and a good deal of the waterfront is private. But the miles are full of surprises with small fields and valleys, little ponds and quaint villages to photograph. The fog comes in at unpredictable times and places to delight and give an eerie feel to the landscape.
Today it’s back to Mount Desert Island to explore the fingers more.

dmk shooting bass harbor









DMK shooting Bass Harbor Lighthouse

Doubling Point Light

Arrowsic Island

Shooting on Arrowsic Island

Heather at Arrowsic Island

Great place to eat on Arrowsic Island!

Great place to buy dinner

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